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做人做事的十大原则:(中文版) 一、忍得住孤独 人生想要获得成功,必须忍得住孤独,尤其是在创业之初,…



二、耐得住寂寞  为了生活、为了工作、为了事业,往往很多时候我们都不能陪在亲人朋友的身边,而是必须占用很多的休息时间和与家人团聚的时间。我们是否能够耐得住这种寂寞?

三、挺得住痛苦  人生道路并非一帆风顺,一路上难免会有很多坎坷、泪水、痛苦。痛苦之后往往会有两种结果:一是委靡不振;二是更加强大,我们在经历了痛苦之后究竟是委靡不振还是更加强大?取决于我们是否能挺得住痛苦?
四、顶得住压力  没压力就会没动力,大家都知道这个简单的道理,但是很多人却在遇到压力时选择了逃避和放弃。只有当我们摆正心态,坦然的面对压力时,才会给我们的成长和发展注入无限动力。

五、挡得住诱惑  做人做事必须坚守自己的理想和原则。只要我们所坚守的是正确的事情,哪怕会有短暂的痛苦,也应该坚持下去;如果我们所做的是错误的事情,哪怕会得到短暂的快乐,也应该坚决拒之!

六、经得起折腾  每一次的失败、每一次的泪水和汗水总是在不断的折腾着我们,因此让我们的发展道路充满荆棘,但经过无数次的折腾才会让我们从中深刻的体会到生活的真谛,我们试问自己能一而再、再而三的经得起折腾吗?当经历无数次的折腾后,我们还能坚持吗?
七、受得起打击  当面对他人一次又一次的冷嘲热讽、当面对客户对我们一次又一次的打击时,我们能经受得起吗?我们是否还能保持最初的激情,同时坚守自己的目标?我们是否还能保持不下降指标而是持续不断的增加措施?

八、丢得起面子  面子是自己给自己的,不是别人给的。害怕丢面子会让自己丢一辈子的面子,害怕失败会失败一辈子!害怕丢面子往往带来的结果是打肿脸充胖子,会让自己更加痛苦,从而丢掉更大的面子,让自己陷入一种恶性循环!
九、担得起责任  在家庭中我们扮演着儿女、父亲、丈夫、妻子、等角色;在企业中我们扮演着员工、管理者、领导或者老板的角色;在社会中我们扮演着公民、律师、老师、企业家等等角色,总之每个人在不同的场合都扮演着不同的角色,然而我们是否能真正的用行动来承担起自己在各种场合下的角色?
十、提得起精神  当我们在连续多天加班或超负荷工作后,是否能提起精神为了自己目标而继续冲刺?



Ten standard principles for doing things

One, can stand alone

If you want to succeed in life, you must endure loneliness, especially at the beginning of business. Many times, in order to achieve goals, we may be paying in obscurity when others are resting. This process is very lonely. If we can survive, we will achieve greater success than others.
2. Tolerate loneliness  For life, work, and career, we often cannot stay with relatives and friends, but must take up a lot of rest time and time to reunite with family members. Can we endure this loneliness?
3. Can withstand the pain    The road of life is not smooth, and there will inevitably be many bumps, tears, and pain along the way. After suffering, there are often two results: one is depressed; the other is more powerful. Are we depressed or stronger after experiencing pain? Depends on whether we can withstand the pain?
4. Withstand the pressure     Without pressure, there will be no motivation. Everyone knows this simple truth, but many people choose to avoid and give up when they are under pressure. Only when we have a right attitude and calmly face the pressure, will we inject unlimited momentum into our growth and development.

5. Can stop the temptation  Being a man and doing things must stick to his ideals and principles. As long as what we stick to is the right thing, even if there is short-term pain, we should stick to it; if we do the wrong thing, even if we get short-term happiness, we should firmly reject it!
There are all kinds of temptations everywhere in life. If the concentration is not strong, these temptations will affect and hinder our progress at any time, and even make ourselves lose the way forward and fall into the nest of short-term interests. In the face of all kinds of temptations, we must stick to our correct principles and ideals as always.

6. Can withstand every failure, every tear and sweat are always tossing us, so our development path is full of thorns, but after countless tossings, we will deeply experience it The true meaning of life, let’s ask ourselves, can we withstand the tossing over and over again? After numerous tossings, can we persist?
Seven, can bear the blow     When faced with the cynicism of others again and again, when faced with the blows of customers against us again and again, can we stand it? Can we maintain our original passion while sticking to our goals? Can we continue to increase measures instead of decreasing indicators?

Whether it is an individual or a group, if you don’t grow up in the blow, you will die in the blow!
8. You can lose face.    Face is given to yourself, not from others. Fear of losing face will make you lose face for a lifetime, and fear of failure will make you fail for a lifetime! Fear of losing face often results in a swollen face and a fat man, which will make yourself more painful, thus losing more face, and let yourself fall into a vicious circle!
9. Able to bear the responsibility. In the family, we play the roles of children, father, husband, wife, etc.; in the enterprise, we play the role of employee, manager, leader or boss; in the society, we play the role of citizen, lawyer, Teachers, entrepreneurs, and so on. In short, everyone plays a different role in different situations. But can we really use actions to take on our roles in various situations?
10. Able to lift up the spirit   After we have worked overtime or overworked for many consecutive days, can we raise our spirit and continue sprinting for our own goals?



  1. 总结和体会的都很到位,刚吸收了一些,但没有吸收完,先收藏着;等自己出现问题的时候,再次打开查看,以便给自己更好的指导。谢谢分享

  2. (中文):谢谢朋友们在过去的十六年中的支持,谢谢!
    (英文):Thank you friends for your support over the past sixteen years, thank you!




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